Friday, May 22, 2009

Good Books on Hinduism And Indian History

Recently I came across this site which contains good books on hinduism and indian history. The way in which different attacks/colonolisation and other factors influenced the hindu culture. Hinduism is not a religion, a common misconception people have. It is a way of life, the way in which you treat others/yourself. The way you realise your self or understand others. The way in which you live in total harmony with nature and its belongings.

There are some misconceptions which are perpetrated by the media of India. That makes some western journalist wonder what is wrong with them that they are not appreciating the greatness of the hindu culture, its past, its present. Why they want to bring down the pilliars on which secularism of India is built. Like the other day one of my good friend said you are all soaked in hindutva (the remarks sounded sarcastic to me) hence I had to quote François Gautier here.. a western journalist working in india...

why does the Indian press always reflect a westernised point of view ? Why does India's intellectual "elite", the majority of which happens to be Hindu, always come down so hard on their own culture, their own religion, their own brothers and sisters ? Is it because of an eternal feeling of inferiority, which itself is a legacy of British colonisation ? Is it because they considers Hindus to be inferior beings - remember the words of Claudius Buccchanan, a chaplain attached to the East India Company : "...Neither truth, nor honesty, honour, gratitude, nor charity, is to be found in the breast of a Hindoo"! Is it because the Indian Press is still deeply influenced by Marxist and communist thoughts planted by Nehruvianism

Most of the hindus do not appreciate their culture, their way of life. They always looks towards west for inspiration. (May be that is what god wants else how will kalyug come... just kidding here :-)...). I believe as a hindu I should and I must spread the knowledge of hinduism's greatness to others. Like it is truly said in sanskrit.

न चोर हर्यम न राजहर्यम न भत्रुभाज्यम न च भारकारी
व्यवये कृत्यम एवमे वर्ध्यम विद्याधनं सर्वधन प्रध्नाम

अर्थार्त, ना चोर चोरी कर सकता हैं ना राजा जीत सकता हैं, ना भाइयों में बँटा जा सकता हैं और जो बोझ भी नही हैं । खर्च करने पर जो बढ़ता हैं, विद्या धन सभी धनो में सर्वोत्तम हैं।

In English it means, burglur cannot steal it, king cannot win it, it cannot be divided between brothers, neither it is heavy. If you spend it, it increases, knowledge is the best wealth then any kind of wealth.

Thats it for today... do take time out to read the books...