Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Inflation Index

When I joined my first company, I was posted in chennai for initial years. I was staying with some of friends at that time. As you know we all were bachelors so when it comes to cleaning the house were not so up to the mark. Even though we were staying in 3rd floor apartment, it used to gather lot of dust. So, we devised a technique to find out when to clean the house. We kept a reference book, when it gathered dust, we used to clean the house. But after some time, it was if the reference book used to gather the dust, we used to clean the dust from the reference book and say since reference is clean there is no no need to clean the house :-).

Seems the same learning is taken by our UPA sarkar, whenever inflation goes higher, they change the year of inflation index to be calculated, making inflation figures go down while the actual price of commodities still remain the same. Let the price remain high, let the aam admi suffer, but hey look our inflation numbers are not bad. A+ job by UPA. :-)

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today I did something which does not make particularly proud of myself. It feels like my brain cells are dying and I need some make over or some brain excercises regularly. Or may be I am just getting old. Am 32 years old now. One more year passed by yesterday :).

Anyway I am digressing from the topic. So here is what happened.

My phone forgot his phone in the car and went into the office. We work in different buildings. I noticed this when I was going in my building. I took the phone along with me. I then changed my phone's profile to silent and wrote and sms to my friend saying that he has forgotten his phone :). The incoming sms from my friend made a sound. So, I was like what the heck I have my phone on mute... :)...

Sending the sms to the phone which I had is something my sane mind would have never done... may be "mujhe change chahiye" is shouting out loud in my brains now...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Iphone 4 facetime.. Its a game changer..

So I was having conversation with one of my friend who has bought this all new
shiny iphone 4 with facetime. So the conversation went like this.

me : So, what is so special about facetime when I can use skype to skype video
iphone owner: Dude it is HD, the picture is crystal clear and look how easy it to call.
(He demoed a call to another iphone 4 user, picture too me was at par with skype).
me: Picture looks as I see in skype, I do not see any difference.
iphone owner : Because the light is low at the other end. But it is HD, it changes the game again.
me (thinking) thats how it is with any other camera.
me : So, why should I buy a iphone for doing video chat. Anyway it does not
support video chat with other people who do not have iphone 4.
iphone owner : skype is outdated technology, this is a game changer your call goes through 3g while video through wireless.
me (thinking) so, if it is going through wireless, then why not send the voice through wireless and do video chat?
iphone owner : skype should have innovated and brought this "game changer" technology.
me (thinking) skype video/chat works on 3g phones with data connection.

Anyway I didnt trouble my friend so much that time as I didnt have much data with me. So, I check out the resolution of the front camera on iphone. It is 640 x 480. Now, on a small form factor like a mobile phone this would look HD any day. Even other comparable phones sport the same resolution of 640 x 480 in most cases. May be apple has added some special ingredient which is upconverting 640 x 480 to 720p or true 1080p hd :-)

And then again I remind my self that "dude it is the game changer again".. :-)

Also, one more thing I have learnt is that it is better not to argue with iphone zealots as they cannot/would not take data points in favour of other phones, they just use iphone "data points" to show their alleged supremacy but would not digest others data point...

Disclaimer: I know I have lot of friends who have iphone, so please do not take it personally

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Right or Wrong...

Check out this video, forward to 2:57m...

Arnab seems like congress agent it seems... positive discrimination.. using jing bang language does not make you right...

Right or Wrong...

Check out this video, where Rajdeep is anchor by Hindustan Times. Narendra Modi is the chief guest. Forward the video to 3:21 and see the facial reactions of Rajdeep when he is exposed.

Isse bolte hain muh ki khana...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Gayatri Mantra - Scientific view



scientific meaning of Gaytri Mantra
Gayatri mantra has been bestowed the greatest importance in Vedic dharma.This mantra has also been termed as Savitri and Ved-Mata, the mother of the Vedas. 
"Om-bhur bhuvah swah
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dheemahi;
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat. " 

The literal meaning of the mantra: O God! You are Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Almighty. You are all Light. You are all Knowledge and Bliss. You are Destroyer of fear, You are Creator of this Universe, You are the Greatest of all. We bow and meditate upon Your light. You guide our intellect in the right direction. The mantra, however, has a great scientific importance too, which somehow got lost in the literary tradition. The modern astrophysics and astronomy tell us that our Galaxy called Milky Way or Akash-Ganga contains approximately 100,000 million of stars. Each star is like our sun having its own planet system. We know that the moon moves round the earth and the earth moves round the sun along with the moon. All planets round the sun. Each of the above bodies revolves round at its own axis as well. Our sun along with its family takes one round of the galactic center in 22.5 crore years. All galaxies including ours are moving away at a terrific velocity of 20,000 mile s per second.
And now the alternative scientific meaning of the mantra step by step:




Bhur the earth, bhuvah the planets (solar family), swah the Galaxy. We observe that when an ordinary fan with a speed of 900 RPM (rotations Per minute) moves, it makes noise. Then, one can imagine, what great noise would be created when the galaxies move with a speed of 20,000 miles per second. This is what this portion of the mantra explains that the sound produced due to the fast-moving earth, planets and galaxies is Om. The sound was heard during meditation by Rishi Vishvamitra, who mentioned it to other colleagues. All of them, then unanimously decided to call this sound Om the name of God, because this sound is available in all the three periods of time, hence it is set (permanent). Therefore, it was the first ever revolutionary idea to identify formless God with a specific title (form) called upadhi. Until that time, everybody recognized God as formless and nobody was prepared to accept this new idea. In the Gita also, it is said, "Omiti ekaksharam brahma", meaning that the name of the Supreme is Om , which contains only one syllable (8/12). This sound Om heard during samadhi was called by all the seers nada-brahma a very great noise), but not a noise that is normally heard beyond a specific amplitude and limits of decibels suited to human hearing. Hence the rishis called this sound Udgith musical sound of the above, i.e., heaven. They also noticed that the infinite mass of galaxies moving with a velocity of 20,000 miles/second was generating a kinetic energy = 1/2 MV2 and this was balancing the total energy consumption of the cosmos. Hence they named it Pranavah, which means the body (vapu) or store house of energy (prana)


Tat that (God), savitur the sun (star), varenyam worthy of bowing or respect. Once the form of a person along with the name is known to us, we may locate the specific person.Hence the two titles (upadhi) provide the solid ground to identify the formless God, Vishvamitra suggested. He told us that we could know (realize) the unknowable formless God through the known factors, viz., sound Om and light of suns (stars). A mathematician can solve an equation x2+y2=4; if x=2; then y can be known and so on. An engineer can measure the width of a river even by standing at the riverbank just by drawing a triangle. So was the scientific method suggested by Vishvamitra in the mantra in the next portion as under:- 


Bhargo the light, devasya of the deity, dheemahi we should meditate. The rishi instructs us to meditate upon the available form (light of suns) to discover the formless Creator (God). Also he wants us to do japa of the word Om (this is understood in the Mantra). This is how the sage wants us to proceed, but there is a great problem to realize it, as the human mind is so shaky and restless that without the grace of the Supreme (Brahma) it cannot be controlled. Hence Vishvamitra suggests the way to pray Him as under: 


Dhiyo (intellect), yo (who), nah (we all), prachodayat (guide to right Direction). O God! Deploy our intellect on the right path. Full scientific interpretation of the Mantra: The earth (bhur), the planets (bhuvah), and the galaxies (swah) are moving at a very great velocity, the sound produced is Om , (the name of formless God.) That God (tat), who manifests Himself in the form of light of suns (savitur) is worthy of bowing/respect (varenyam). We all, therefore, should meditate (dheemahi) upon the light (bhargo) of that deity (devasya) and also do chanting of Om. May He (yo) guide in right direction (prachodayat) our(nah) intellect dhiyo. So we notice that the important points hinted in the mantra are:

The total kinetic energy generated by the movement of galaxies acts as an umbrella and balances the total energy consumption of the cosmos. Hence it was named as the Pranavah (body of energy). This is equal to 1/2 mv2 (Mass of galaxies x velocity2). 2) Realizing the great importance of the syllable OM , the other later date religions adopted this word with a slight change in accent, viz., amen and Ameen.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Currently there is so much fuss about M F Hussain taking citizenship of Qatar. There are lot of debates being hosted by likes of Barkha Dutt, Rajdeep Sardesi and others. Now liberals are saying it is against "freedom of speech", and it is national shame.

I wonder why the same liberals were not saying it is against "freedom of speech" when Chyetanya Kunte was sued by Barkha Dutt. Does it sound hypocratic to you? Or is it that "freedom of speech" is for just elite few not for common man or common blogger?

Rajdeep tweets "woman, muslim, bangladeshi, taslima has revelled in playing the 'victimhood' card." Is Hussain not playing the same "victimhood" card? And is the liberal media not supporting this "victimhood" card?

Another instance, Yesterday or day before there was attack on a Kannada news paper for publishing translated articles of Taslima Nasrin. Why is no liberal guys shouting at the top of their lungs against those who ransacked the office of news paper and say it is against "freedom of speech"?

Also, I wonder where is the "Pink Panty" gang now? Why are they not protecting muslim women who are getting abused. Why are they not sending pink panty to the maulana and maulvis? Is it not hypocratic?

Just thinking... thinking alound or thinking and writing...

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Update: Got a tweet from Barkha Dutt BDUTT @mjrajput nope creative freedom different from lies and defamation

Got me in to thinking, if MF draws naked Sita sitting on Hanuman (who we revere as God), it is counted as creative freddom, those who know history, has this every happened? No. So, to me it is a lie, and also it is to defame Hindu god/goddesses.

If any journalist make snide remarks to any politician say Sonia, Mayawati, Modi, Lalu etc, it is counted as "creative freedom"... sound hypocritical to me...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hindu Taliban....

Saw a disgusting article from Vir Sanghavi... my first visit to his site (would be the last one too)... landed on his site from Atanu Dey's blog...

Vir Sanghavi is comparing Hindu organisations with Taliban... may be he needs to left the mercy of Talibans, then probably he would realise the difference... any way hope god gives good sense to him...

All the liberals including Vir, they do not make any iota of a sound when Satanic Verses got banned by Indian government. At that time no one raise hue and cry about freedom of speech... but if something is done to Hussain, people jump the gun... there are thousands of supporters to his rescue... may be they have already experienced Talibans and know what their treatment would be if they support Satanic Verses... hence they take side only when Hindu organisations take objections to something... they know Hindus do not treat like Taliban does... but still they compare them to Taliban...

And to all Hussain and freedom of speech supporters...

In constitution of India there are some fundamental rights given, including Freedom of Speech but it comes with certain "duties" to quote two:

To spread the message of peace and brotherhood amongst all the Indian citizens irrespective of linguistic, religious and regional or sectional diversities

To discontinue practices pertaining to the impairment of the dignity of women

Pray explain me how has the paintings drawn by Hussain fulfilled the duties given above??? For this liberals will not have any answers...