Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today I did something which does not make particularly proud of myself. It feels like my brain cells are dying and I need some make over or some brain excercises regularly. Or may be I am just getting old. Am 32 years old now. One more year passed by yesterday :).

Anyway I am digressing from the topic. So here is what happened.

My phone forgot his phone in the car and went into the office. We work in different buildings. I noticed this when I was going in my building. I took the phone along with me. I then changed my phone's profile to silent and wrote and sms to my friend saying that he has forgotten his phone :). The incoming sms from my friend made a sound. So, I was like what the heck I have my phone on mute... :)...

Sending the sms to the phone which I had is something my sane mind would have never done... may be "mujhe change chahiye" is shouting out loud in my brains now...

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