Friday, October 13, 2006

My stint with the penguin

For some time I have been playing with this penguin... if I tell you that I am in chennai, India... it will make you wonder where and how this guy played with penguin... OK no PJ but cannot help it...

The penguin I am talking about is LINUX... I being too much tech experimenting fellow... I was getting this itch in my hand to use the full power of my 64 bit AMD turion process... The windows 32 bit which came pre-installed was using half its potential... Like typical manager I wanted to extract full power and make it peak productive... so, I explored the net to get a version which can utilize the power... of 64 bit...

I went to one of the linux site and found something there are so many distros... (refer to the wikipedia and you will find it is a linux distribution).... I was searching for the best and linux site stated currently something called as ubuntu is on top... I went to their site and there where more flavors of ubuntu... (now this is what I call as full menu... there are so many choices...)... I choose Kubuntu compared to Ubuntu... may be because Kubuntu was sweet sounding...

I downloaded the CD and installed the 64 version... my first impresession was that it was good but was taking long time (compared to M$) to boot... Now, I have got used to the ususal time but still am experimenting with the boot time... being curious (like curiosity killed the crow...) I like it best ... do stuff, break something and then patch it up and the satisfaction you derive by getting it right by your own (with help from linux community) is very satisfying... and makes me happy...

OK the sore part, my acer laptop is containing graphic card from SiS and wireless card from broadcom... both these companies do not believe in open source it seems and they do not publish their drivers for linux... in the world of convergence and globalisation I cannot believe there are companies like this... damn them... my next laptop will not have any product from them...

So, to get these two working was a huge task... I have got the wireless card now working but the SiS graphic card would not render 3D acceleration and the software 3D acceleration sucks big time...

What is most I liked about Linux is...

1. uses my 64 bit computer :-)
2. there are thousands of softwares and yes all of them are free... free as in "free beer"... now what that term means I do not know... am too lazy right now to find it out...
3. if there is a software upgrade available it will notify you that a new version is available and again being curious and keeping myself using latest and greatest I find it cool... windows you have to buy software to manage your software... :P
4. the software you install falls in its appropriate bucket and you do not have to organize the start menu or whatever you call it in M$... This is another cool feature.
5. you can customize it like anything... for UI itself you have so many choices... KDE/GNOME/XFCE being the main... I prefer KDE... and no I do not want to start the GNOME/KDE war...
6. you make your own kernel... if you want you can compile your own OS... sounds interesting right... this will make your system respond at peak ... again my idiosyncrasies ;-)...
7. No virus and no threats... there is virtually no risk of any viruses... for modifying any of the system files you require a super user privilege and the at the most you can loose would be your home folder...
8. From home folder ... Linux gives you capability of installing your home folder in a separate drive... so even if you reinstall or format your OS and reinstall all your customization and setting will be preserved and you will not waste your precious time in making your OS like it was previously...
9. No registry ... you can install all your applications in a separate partition and reinstall your OS still your applications will work provided required libraries are kept correctly... i think that too can be configured... but haven't tried so much... :-)

Over all I am starting to like Linux for its free nature and too much customization... if only my graphic card was not SiS...

Please do not take this as my word for jumping into Linux... if you are ready to invest some time for free software then do jump in... :-)...

for those noob who want everything to work out of the box and do not want to use their precious grey cells... wait for another 5/10 years before you are cured of something called as M$

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