Saturday, November 19, 2005

By Heart...

In the training today, the trainer said "I am not good at remembering definitions by heart"...

I was not able to understand why it is called "by heart". I strongly believe this is a gross mistake on the part of the english speaking world. It should be termed as "by brain" or "by mind". As far as my fertile mind recalls it is your mind which retains all the information which is gathered from your child hood.

I bet if you take your heart out and ask it to speak...will it??? For that matter even your brain won't as it will require a mouth :-)...

If there exists (I am not sure about it...) or in future a technology comes up which can extract information from your organs then probably the dictionaries across the world will change this... even in schools they will start teaching "Please repeat it by your mind!!!" or "learn by mind"...what you say???

ps: just thought will put some light stuff too :-)...

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